Mind Body Syndrome Resource List
A resource list for understanding what is variously referred to as Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), Mind-Body Syndrome (MBS), and / or Psychophysiologic Disorder (PPD). Highlighted here are the practitioners, books, websites, and podcasts I found most helpful in my journey with Mind Body Syndrome. Please feel free to comment with additional resources!
This is a companion piece to my own personal story published via Medium: How I Eliminated my Chronic Pain through a Mind-Body Approach
Helpful Websites and Organizations
- The TMSWiki.org is a resource hub for all things TMS, including useful explainers, success stories, and links to practitioners around the world
- The Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (PPDA), “is a 501(c)(3) health education non-profit dedicated to advancing the diagnosis and treatment of stress-induced medical conditions.”
- The LA-based Pain Psychology Center is a group of mental health professionals providing in-person and remote counseling sessions for Mind Body Syndrome
- Curable Health is both a smartphone app for Mind Body Syndrome and a podcast that interviews many of the practioners featured below
Practitioners and Medical Professionals
- Dr. Alicia Bond Bateson manages the Center for the Treatment of Psychophysiologic Disorders; the writing on her website provides a clear, concise overview of Mind Body Syndrome
- Dr. Tovah Goldfine is a chronic pain specialist and chiropractor with expertise in Mind-Body Syndrome
- Dr. Howard Schubiner, whose website Unlearnyourpain.org includes articles, videos, and links to books on Mind Body Syndrome
- Dr. David Schecter is a sports medicine physician who specializes in mind-body medicine. He authored the book, Think Away Your Pain, and his practice is informed by mentorship from Dr. John Sarno
- Arlene Feinblatt, PHD, is a psychologist specializing in Mind Body Syndrome and the psychology of pain. She was Dr. Sarno’s original collaborator in developing TMS and its treatment protocols.
- Evelyn Hecht, PT, ATC, is a physical therapist and chronic pain specialist that owns UMH Physical Therapy in New York City
- Psychophysiologic Disorders: Trauma Informed, Interprofessional Diagnosis and Treatment, published in 2019 by the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association, is the most up to date and comprehensive book on Mind-Body Syndrome
- Dr. John Sarno, the originator of Tension Myositis Syndrome, or TMS, wrote three books that are generally offered as a point of departure for Mind Body Syndrome: Healing Back Pain; the MindBody Prescription; and the Divided Mind
- Unlearn Your Pain: a 28 Day Process to Reprogram Your Brain by Dr. Howard Schubiner is a more modern complement to Sarno’s books, and the primary book that cured my own chronic pain in my hands and wrists
- re.lieve Solutions for Chronic Pain, an e-book by Evelyn Hecht
- Dr. David Schecter has produced several books on Mind Body Syndrome, including one for teens, available on his website.
- Back in Control: a Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain by Dr. David Hanscom is a useful complement to the above texts
- They Can’t Find Anything Wrong! by Dr. David Claire, president of the Psychophysiologic Disorders Association
Articles and PDFs
- America’s most famous back pain doctor said pain is in your head. Thousands think he’s right, from Vox.com
- Chronic Pain Reconsidered: a New Role for Therapists, by Dr. Howard Schubiner (this article was THE critical turning point for me in my own journey with Mind Body Syndrome)
- Miracles of Mind Body Medicine, a useful explainer of Mind Body Syndrome and TMS by Alan Gordon, LCSW
- Neural Pathway Pain — A Call for More Accurate Diagnoses, by Drs. Howard Schubiner, Mark Lumley, and Alan Gordon, LCSW
- The First Chapter from Dr. Howard Schubiner’s book, Unlearn Your Pain
- Article on the passing of Dr. John Sarno by NY Times
This is a simple resource list intended to provide a point of departure for those seeking more information on what is variously referred to as Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS), Mind-Body Syndrome (MBS) and/or Psychophysiologic Disorders (PPD).
For more context, please read my companion piece to this resource list, How I Eliminated my Chronic Pain through a Mind Body Approach.
And please feel free to comment with any additional resources!